What is the meaning of the term "worldview"? It seems self-explanatory but let's dive in deep, shall we? Let's explore different worldviews held by different people. What elements shape them? Do they change over time? If so, how? Because of experiences? Things they see, read, or hear? Social media? Travelling? Why would one person of a given nationality, race, gender and generation have a different worldview than someone else? Can they both be right? What is your worldview?
That last question is important. If you can properly articulate the response, you're way ahead of most people! In this club, we'll take two hours to try and do that.
Let's challenge ourselves and each other. We'll ask if things we believe are based on what we know or what we've been told. We'll form logical conclusions. We'll form opinions based on who we are, what we've been through and what we choose to believe. Here's another one for you: is your worldview a choice that you make? Let's have a fascinating, enlightening and intelligent discussion!